Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone is communicating with you online?
If you are, then you can report this to a CEOP Child Protection advisor.
On the CEOP website you can find:
  • information and advice on 'Should I make a report to CEOP?', 'What will happen when I make a report?' and 'How can CEOP help me?'
  • there are links to CEOP partners, such as Childline, who can offer help and support on other issues like online bullying.
  • how to report a suspected or known child sex offender activities directly to CEOP for investigation.  Every report will be read by a Child Protection Advisor within the CEOP Child Protection team.
CEOP take all reports seriously and can be reported by children of any age by clicking on the CEOP icon.
Urgent concerns regarding a child's safety should be immediately reported to our local police team.
Online bullying and other online concerns should not be reported to CEOP, children should speak to a trusted adult in school, a member of the DSL team or speak to Childline to discuss how they are feeling.