We teach the National Curriculum which is enhanced by a vast range of mathematical experiences. Heathcote Primary School’s curriculum is enriched through the use of White Rose materials across school. This provides all children with a consistent approach to Mathematics. This approach ensures that our children understand basic concepts thoroughly and then build on these skills throughout the year so that they gain a cumulative knowledge. Longer is spent on topics so that our children can experience maths through concrete, pictorial and abstract representations. We compliment White Rose by delivering our lessons using a 6 part lesson approach. This design allows our children to become fluent in mathematical concepts. They become sophisticated at making links and representing mathematic concepts in a variety of ways. We further enhance this provision by providing inspiring maths rich environments which allow the children to take part it open-ended investigations and many opportunities to explain and add reason to a range of mathematical concepts.
We believe that continuous professional development (CPD) of all our stakeholders is crucial. High quality CPD allows everyone to be clear and knowledgeable about our approach to maths. Our CPD sessions are open to all staff and have ranged from exploring the use of variation in maths to opening up the learning with rich and sophisticated problem solving. This deeper understanding of the maths curriculum allows teaching staff to feel better prepared in supporting our children in making progress within their mathematical knowledge and skills.
Maths is interwoven throughout our deep and diverse curriculum. Children will learn how maths features in so much of our real lives. This is highlighted through inspiring, interactive displays, Maths driven days such as Maths is Everywhere day, links with national banks such as Natwest, STEM workshops, Mad Science clubs and much more.